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Arts at Saint  

Joseph Abbey

Time Line 


Founding of Abbey - art that came with German monks?

Building of the church - aesthetic sensibility

Art taught in the seminary?

Abbot Patrick - sacred art scholarship

Fr Sean Duggan - Bach

Schola Cantorum Fr Dominic (Hymn) Audiotape "Holy Light'

Musical performances (outside productions0 during the year

Deo Gracias Party - featured artists over the years? List them.

Abbots' portraits tell history.

1990's renovation of the church - aesthetic change 

!940's 50's Gregory de Wit murals in church and refectory

2019 release of documentary on de wit. (insert video clip?)

Abbey Art Works

Leonardo's Legacy: Painting, Science, and the Life of the Soul

The Guild of St Luke 

5 Day Artist Retreat

St. Luke Lecture and Luncheon  October 18

Fr Augustine - photography

Unique monk-artist studio in the woods

Nationally Known instructors . All painting and drawing media and printmaking.


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